précis Magazine


précis, the MIT Center for International Studies magazine, features essays by our scholars, covers the wide range of Center activities, and tracks the accomplishments of our research community. It is published twice yearly, once during each academic semester.

If you have story ideas or would like to write an article, please contact the 2023-2024 graduate student editor Miriam Hinthorn or editor Michelle English.

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Spring 2014
précis Interview: Regina Bateson, assistant professor of political science, MIT

Regina Bateson, assistant professor of political science at MIT, discusses civil war, crime, and Latin American politics. She also explains how she is helping students incorporate qualitative methods in their research and how fieldwork has informed her work.

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Making in America: From Innovation to Market Making in America: from innovation to marketBy Suzanne Berger

Over the past decade, as close to 6 million manufacturing jobs disappeared, pessimism about the future of production swept across America. The brightest corporate superstars...were locating production abroad and still reaping...profits within America. Was this the model for the future?

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Selective leviathans: explaining state strategies of counterinsurgency and consolidationBy Sameer Lalwani

Why do states choose brutal or minimalist strategies to fight rebellion despite persistent or repeated failure? Understanding the strategic logic of these incumbents in civil essential for policymakers to anticipate states' destabilizing strategies, stem spillovers, and restructure incentives to mitigate violence.

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In major extension of MIT nuclear policy studies, Gavin begins work as first Frank Stanton chair; The Center hosted a Starr Forum "What's Next for Ukraine" on March 14; 3 Questions: John Tirman on the warming US–Iran relationship; The Center has selected Ranil Wickremesinghe, a former prime minister of Sri Lanka, as a Robert E. Wilhelm fellow.

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April Julich Perez, associate director of MISTI has been honored for her leadership with a 2014 MIT Excellence Award for Bringing Out the Best; The U.S.–Iran Project has produced a second book, U.S.–Iran Misperceptions: A Dialogue, published in February by Bloombury Press; Two CIS staff members have been awarded Infinite Mile awards for 2014; The Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar hosted two talks.

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End Notes

End Notes features the professional achievements of our scholars, students, and staff. This includes recent awards, speaking engagements, and publications.

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